Lennart Smidt

pianist | composer
improviser | producer


Lennart Smidt
 // pianist, improviser, composer, music producer based in Berlin.
 // piano, hammond, vintage keys and crazy stuff

short bio
since 2009 on stage as pianist/composer/keyboarder/improviser 

As a place where creativity meets groove and spirit, he discovered jazz after growing up in Hannover around classical church music.
Improvisation always plays a key role for telling the musical stories of the moment.
His acoustic compositions often result out of musical exploration, finding truth beyond the surface, being in the never ending creative process.

This work manifests both in recordings and unique live shows. First piano solo album Boomerang with own compositions is about to be released in 2024.
In 2016, first EP Take.Off was self-released (music).

photo by Dovile Sermokas
After returning to Germany in 2019, his piano compositions were commissioned for the mixed media projects Bauhaus-Expedition and 100 Saiten Beuys (video) in 2022.

Since 2012, Lennart Smidt Trio is performing and recording in different combinations, such as 2019 with Benson Itoe (ebass, Cameroon/Groningen) and Yusuf Ahmed (drums, London) (video).

Though mainly jazz-pianist, interdisciplinary work had started 2015 with experimental opera and performances together with film director Bernardo Zanotta in Groningen, Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Nantes.
It continued in Berlin with workshops by Tristan Honsinger, and co-hosting the curated multidisciplinary impro jam “big bouncing charlie”.

During the pandemic in 2021, he led the production of Rüdiger Bierhorst album "Im Zentrum des Kreisels" as producer/arranger/sounddesigner, summing up the German singer-songwriter’s work of the last decades.

Smidt’s workshop and teaching concept Jazz as creative community music conveys a healthy way of learning music, that very much adapts to individual levels and experience of students. He regularly gives workshop for fellow pianists and teachers, on how to play un-written music, accompany songs, and the basic thinking concepts of Jazz and Improvised Music.
Currently teaching piano at University of Hildesheim.

shared stages with Yusuf Ahmed, John Winston Berta, Marcello Busato, Giuseppe Doronzo, Paul Engelmann, Esat Ekincioglu, Johannes Fink, Willi HanneBenson Itoe, Julie Mbodje, LiedfettHiske Oosterwijk, Aleks Skoric, Lucas UeckerYelmur, Kussi Weiss, ...

live & studio projects as pianist
piano solo album
... in production ...
100 Saiten Beuys
piano & compositions for interdisciplinary mixed media project about Joseph Beuys between jazz, art history, photography
album by Justin Remfrey Trio
Justin Remfrey (b, comp)
Lennart Smidt (p)
Johann Gottschling (dr) 
piano & compositions for interdisciplinary mixed media project about Bauhaus between jazz, art history, photography
stylus fantasticus
Orgel-Duo Ulfert Smidt & Lennart Smidt
Kirchenorgel + Hammond
fünf Konzerte im Rahmen der Orgelkampagne „hoch.empor“, Niedersachsen

magnetic layers
improvised solo piano with fx
EP rec. in Groningen, NL
Lennart Smidt, piano/arr.
Matt Wilson, drums
Hiske Oosterwijk, voc
Esat Ekincioglu, bass
Round Midnight
musical curator of yearly Jazz&Poetry series in Marktkirche Hannover

2016 Bachelor of Music (Jazz: Piano) in Prins Claus Conservatorium Groningen, Netherlands. (”New York Comes To Groningen”)
    student of Marc van Roon, Jasper Soffers, David Berkman
2011-13 Hochschule für Musik, Theater und Medien Hannover (JazzRockPop / Performance + Education)
    student of Bernd Homann, Simon Nabatov

living & working since 2020 in Berlin.
2017-2018 Amsterdam
2016-2017 Brazil

concept: Jazz As Creative Community Music

2018-21, 2024 piano and band classes @ Universität Hildesheim
since 2023 workshops for piano teachers
since 2022 public workshops
2017-18 piano classes @ The Piano Academy, Amsterdam
teaching piano since 2012